Empowerment For Girls

The Top To Toe Program

Top to Toe, as the name indicates, addresses all aspects of health and rights of children (between the ages of 10 and 15 years), by creating illustrated booklets that they can take back with them after they finish with the interactive health sessions on the same topics by Nalamdana.

In many field interventions, once the funded program is over, there is often no material left with the target audience to remind them of the issues discussed or learnt. Over time, issues get confused, and the information retained is inaccurate.

The “Top to Toe” series of booklets aims to serve as a simple, illustrated reminder and also as a resource, that they can use to educate their peers.

The development of these booklets follows Nalamdana’s philosophy of audience participation, where the booklet illustrations and layout evolved from interactive workshops with the target audience. Using the visuals and information that struck a chord with the target audience, a professional book designer and illustrator put together the booklets.

These booklets have been field tested with the target audience of students, as also with teachers and parents who interact with them.They have also been checked by experts in each topic to review and edit the content. Every care has been taken to make them accurate and relevant to the target audience.

Copies are available against sponsorship of the printing.

This material has also been the inspiration for Nalamdana’s training tool kit for peer education among 12 to 14 year olds. (See other materials like Kuyilum Mayilum audio cd and Penin Perumai flip chart story on puberty).

This is very unique short term, material development project, made possible by funds from a small family foundation in the US, routed through the Friends of Nalamdana.

This project created a set of 6 reminder booklets on the topics of

Health & Hygiene
Child Safety
Reproductive Health
Goal Setting
These booklets are available in English as well as in Tamil. For copies or more information, contact us!