Thendral Community Radio Recognized for TB Education
Thendral Radio Recognized for TB Education
A jury of TB experts has chosen Thendral Community Radio as one of the top two entries from across India, recognizing Nalamdana’s accuracy of information language, content and creativity.
Axshya (meaning ‘free from TB’) is a civil society initiative to strengthen TB care and control in India. Part of the Global Fund Round 9 India TB Grant for the period 2010-15, Axshya is co-ordinated by two civil society representative organisations – International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) South-East Asia Office and World Vision India (WVI).
The overarching objectives of project Axshya activities are to support Government of India’s Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) to expand its reach, visibility, and effectiveness, and to engage community-based providers to improve TB services, especially for women and children, marginalized, vulnerable and TB-HIV co-infected populations. Its guiding principles are a promotion of universal access to quality TB care, community participation, sustainable interventions, and equitable distribution with gender and social sensitivity.
Active in 374 districts across India, Axshya is a landmark project. It combines the forces of the Union – which has played a pivotal role in the fight against TB since 1920 – and the government of India, which has set in place one of the most successful TB control programmes in the world. It is a timely intervention that aligns with the Stop TB strategy and supports India’s tuberculosis programme to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.