Health Outreach to Truck Drivers
As part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) agenda, the Cholamandalam, a Chennai-based corporate group, has funded Nalamdana to implement a pilot project in 2016 and expanded the same through 2017-18- campaign on health and occupational hazard issues for truckers and cleaners. Nalamdana has reached 2,050 truck drivers by organizing 12 health camps, 6 role plays and 3 community dramas across select districts of Tamil Nadu state, where these truckers and transport workers/ helpers congregate. Medical professionals, mobilized by Nalamdana, offer free testing and counseling for a range of communicable and non-communicable illnesses. Support communication materials including stickers, audio jingles, spots, pocket calendars are being distributed. Phase II of this project is moving from Chennai peripheral areas into other target districts of Vellore, Krishnagiri, Namakkal, Salem and Tada (N.Tamilnadu border) through 2018.